Microsoft: October Patch Tuesday vulnerability patched in November

Microsoft: October Patch Tuesday vulnerability patched in November

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013112015
Date: 2013-11-16

According to "zdnet", Two days after the October Patch Tuesday updates, Microsoft corrected one of the security bulletins for that month to indicate that they had not in fact patched one of the vulnerabilities listed in it. That vulnerability — CVE-2013-3871 — was, in fact, patched in the November updates, specifically as part of MS13-088: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer.
The initial bulletin was MS13-080: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer — note that both are Cumulative Updates. It originally listed 10 vulnerabilities, one of them CVE-2013-3871.

Related Link:
Microsoft patches 19 flaws, including IE zero day
