Microsoft patches 19 flaws, including IE zero day

Microsoft patches 19 flaws, including IE zero day

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013112011
Date: 2013-11-16

According to "zdnet", Today Microsoft issued 8 updates fixing vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer and Office. Among them is on that has recently been reported as exploited in the wild.
The bulletins describing the updates:

  • MS13-088: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2888505) (Critical)
  • 10 vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer are fixed in this update. Eight are memory corruption vulnerabilities and two are information disclosure vulnerabilities.
  • MS13-089: Vulnerability in Windows Graphics Device Interface Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2876331) (Critical)
  • Remote code execution could result from a user opening a specially-crafted Windows Write file in Wordpad.
  • MS13-090: Cumulative Security Update of ActiveX Kill Bits (2900986) (Critical)
  • This is the zero-day vulnerability that was reported being exploited in the wild. It exists in the InformationCardSigninHelper Class ActiveX control. The update sets the kill bit for this control so that it can no longer be executed using Internet Explorer.
  • MS13-091: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2885093) (Important)
  • Three vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office, one of which affects all versions of the product, are patched. All are rated Important.
  • MS13-092: Vulnerability in Hyper-V Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2893986) (Important)
  • Hyper-V in Windows 8 x64-based (Pro and Enterprise editions only) and Windows Server 2012, including Server Core, are vulnerable to privilege escalation or denial of service.
  • MS13-093: Vulnerability in Windows Ancillary Function Driver Could Allow Information Disclosure (2875783) (Important)
  • A user who could log on to the system locally could view, but not modify kernel memory.
  • MS13-094: Vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook Could Allow Information Disclosure (2894514) (Important)
  • successful exploit code for this vulnerability does not exist and is unlikely to appear.
  • MS13-095: Vulnerability in Digital Signatures Could Allow Denial of Service (2868626) (Important)

All versions of Windows are vulnerable to denial of service (what we used to call a lockup or program crash) when reading a specially-crafted X.509 digital certificate.
As usual, there is a new version of the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool. There is also an Update for Root Certificates for Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP (KB931125).

Related Link:
New IE zero-day attack reported
Microsoft warns of Office zero-day, active hacker exploits
Microsoft to issue 8 updates, 3 critical, on Patch Tuesday
