iTunes customers under threat of digital thieves

iTunes customers under threat of digital thieves

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012021401
Date: 2012-02-12

A number of iTunes users are reportedly receiving refunds after having their iTunes Store accounts cleaned out by thieves, with the underlying issue of how it happened remaining unresolved.
Users posting on Apple's Support Community have been reporting that their iTunes accounts and information have been hacked, resulting in gift card and other purchases and changes to their personal information.
According to a report from The Global Mail, Apple's iTunes accounts have been susceptible to hacker attacks for some time. Users have been complaining for more than a year about a relatively similar issue -namely, an account is accessed without permission, any gift card credit available is spent on apps, and information, including PayPal account information, is used and/or changed.
Those are some serious issues. But Apple is only responding with a generic statement:
"Apple takes precautions to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, and misuse, as well as against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction," the company said in a statement issued to The Globe and Mail. "Apple online services such as the Apple Online Store and iTunes Store use Secure Sockets Layer encryption on all Web pages where personal information is collected."
It's not uncommon for Apple to remain silent about potential issues involving its products or services. The company has said in the past that it likes to gather all the facts, investigate, and come up with a solution before issuing public statements about problems. But in the case of people's account information, some are calling for more transparency.
To Apple's credit, it seems most customers have been refunded their lost credits or balances without too much hassle.
While many will view a lack of response from Apple as a sign that there isn't a serious problem, many people posting comments seem to be concerned that Apple hasn't fixed the problem, and feel Apple is instead attempting to keep it quiet by issuing refunds to users.
