Google testing login authentication via QR codes

Google testing login authentication via QR codes

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012011382
Date: 2012-01-21

According to "zdnet", Google has quietly tested a new login mechanism for users on public computers — authentication via QR codes scanned by mobile devices.
The phone-based authentication is a variation of the GMail two-step verification scheme.
Codenamed Sesame, the feature is aimed on computer users logging into GMail or other Google accounts on public computers in libraries or coffee shops because of the high risk of spyware/keyloggers on thos machines.
It lets users scan a QR code from a special Google Web page. The QR code will return a Web page on the user’s phone and once that URL is tapped, the desktop browser will automagically redirect to the users’s logged-in Google Account without requiring a password.
