Two factor authentication for Yahoo! Mail users

Two factor authentication for Yahoo! Mail users

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011121349
Date: 2011-12-20

According to “ZDNet”, in an attempt to offer layered security to its millions of Web users, Yahoo Inc. recently announced the availability of two factor authentication for Yahoo! Mail users.
More on the feature:
Once the feature is turned on, any suspicious account sign-in attempt will be challenged by a second sign-in verification beyond the initial password validation. To confirm the legitimacy of the sign-in attempt, you or the hijacker will have to answer your account security question or enter a verification code that will be sent to your mobile phone. Presumably, only you, as the legitimate user, can sign in. Account hijackers will be blocked since they neither know your security answer nor possess your mobile phone.
Users who wish to active the secondsign-in verification can do it through the Yahoo! Account Info page. The feature is currently available to users residing in the United States, Canada, India, and the Philippines, with the feature extending gradually to all worldwide users by March 2012.
