Twitter buys Android security firm Whisper Systems

Twitter buys Android security firm Whisper Systems

تاریخ ایجاد

ID :IRCNE2011111323
Date: 2011-11-29

Whisper Systems announced on its blog today that it will become part of Twitter. Although the company didn't disclose an acquisition price, it did say that it will bring its "technology and our expertise into Twitter's products and services."
Whisper offers a range of security products--currently all in beta--that focus on safeguarding device data, network connections, backups, and calls. Considering that, it's quite possible Twitter will try to improve the security of its mobile apps with Whisper's technology.
That said, don't expect to see Whisper's apps, including TextSecure and RedPhone, to be available for a while. Whisper said that as part of its transition to Twitter, it will be forced to take its services down until the social network decides to put them back up. However, they will all be making a comeback.
