Malicious app in the App Store

Malicious app in the App Store

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE20111101309
Date: 2011-11-09

According to “ITPro”, a software hole in Apple's iPhones and iPads may permit developers to break through the App Store gates and control the device.
Security researcher Charlie Miller discovered the flaw, allowing developers to bypass the code signing restrictions and secretly install malware onto Apple devices.
"The flaw I found allows apps in the App Store to download new code and run it even if it's not signed or even if it hasn't been checked by Apple," Miller said.
"Until now you could just download everything from the App Store and not worry about it being malicious. Now you have no idea what an app might do," said Miller.
Miller demonstrated the flaw by using a stock price checking application he created, InstaStock, which was approved even though it contained features to download unapproved code.
The app's code could let a hacker download an address book, view pictures, access other data and even make the phone vibrate.
Apple has now removed the app from its App Store.
