'Steve Jobs Alive!' social engineering emails

'Steve Jobs Alive!' social engineering emails

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011101286
Date: 2011-10-12

According to “ZDNet”, cybercriminals are quick to capitalize on the death of Steve Jobs.
Security researchers from M86 Labs have intercepted a currently spreading malware campaign using Steve Jobs as a social engineering theme.
Sample subjects used in the campaign:
Steve Jobs Alive!; Steve Jobs Not Dead!; Steve Jobs: Not Dead Yet!; Is Steve Jobs Really Dead?
Upon clicking on the links the visitors are redirected to a obfuscated malware-serving page, courtesy of a popularweb malware exploitation kit known as the BlackHole exploit kit. The exploit kit attempts to exploit popular client-sidevulnerabilities in installed applications or browserplugins.
Users are advised not to interact with suspicious emails, or spamemails in general.
