Chrome silent update

Chrome silent update

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011101283
Date: 2011-10-09

If you're running the Google Chrome browser, rest easy, Google just silently updated it for seven security vulnerabilities.
According to “ESecurityPlanet”, Google Chrome stable version 14.0.835.202 is now available for Windows, Mac and Linux providing security and stability fixes as well as a new integrated version of Adobe Flash Player 11. On the security front, there were seven fixes, six rated as being High impact and one rated as Critical.
The critical flaw is identified by Google as being a memory corruption issues in the shader translator. The flaw was discovered by Zhenyao Mo of the Chromium development community.
The other six high impact flaws include a flaw related to Lifetime and threading issues in audio node handling, a pair of use-after-free memory issues, a memory corruption flaw with the v8 JavaScript engine and a stale font issue with SVG text handling. Beyond the memory related issues there is also a high impact cross origin flaw.
All the updates to Chrome 14.0.835.202 are delivered to users by way of Google's silent update mechanism. The silent update occurs in the background and does not require any user action in order to occur. It's a method that keeps Chrome users current.
