27 of 100 tested Chrome extensions contain 51 vulnerabilities

27 of 100 tested Chrome extensions contain 51 vulnerabilities

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011101278
Date: 2011-10-05

According to "zdnet",A group of security researchers have analyzed 50 of the top Chrome extensions and another 50 chosen by random, and found out that 27 of the 100 extensions contain one or more vulnerabilities in their cores, for a total of 51 vulnerabilities.
Bugs in extensions put users at risk by leaking private information (like passwords and history) to web and WiFi attackers. Web sites may be evil or contain malicious content from users or advertisers. Attackers on public WiFi networks (like in coffee shops and airports) can change all HTTP content.
49 of the 51 vulnerabilities found can be patched by adapting the extensions to use one of two offered Content Security Policies (CSP).
The group is urging extension developers to use CSP directives to protect their users from the potential security consequences of core extension bugs.
