Mozilla aims to add silent updating to Firefox 10

Mozilla aims to add silent updating to Firefox 10

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011101277
Date: 2011-10-05

According to "computerworld", A year after it pulled the plug on silent updates in Firefox 4, Mozilla said it will debut most of the behind-the-scenes feature by early next year.
Assuming Mozilla pulls off silent upgrading this time around, it would make Firefox only the second browser to take that route. Google's Chrome has been the poster boy for automatic updates that remove the user from the equation and can't be switched off.
"In the past we have been very careful to make sure people know something is changing with their Web browser before it changes," said Baker, who heads the non-profit organization that oversees the Firefox-making Mozilla Corp. "Today people are telling us that a silent update process is important."
The difference between then and now, a Mozilla developer explained, is the rapid release schedule that upgrades Firefox every six weeks.
According to Bondy and other information published on the Mozilla website, the current goal for most of the multi-part project is Firefox 10, slated to ship Jan. 31, 2012. Some pieces will appear in earlier and later editions, however.
When Firefox receives the feature, the browser will download the upgrade in the background, then install it the next time Firefox is restarted. Users will be reminded to install the upgrade 12 hours later if they haven't restarted the browser before then. Unlike Chrome, Firefox will let users switch off silent upgrading.
