Apple blocked new malware threat

Apple blocked new malware threat

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011091265
Date: 2011-09-28

According to “ZDNet”, Apple has quietly added detection for the recent malware attack that used PDF files as lures to trick Mac OS X users into downloading a malicious Trojan dropper.
The detection was added into the rudimentary XProtect.plist malware blocker built into Mac OS X.
The malware, flagged as a trojan dropper, installs downloader component that downloads a backdoor program onto the system, while camouflaging its activity by opening a PDF file to distract the user.
However, in what has become a classic cat-and-mouse game, researchers have spotted a new Mac malware threat posing as a legitimate Flash Player installation package.
Related Links:
New Mac malware poses as PDF doc
OS X Trojan poses Flash Player installer
