Adobe adding security, privacy goodies to Flash Player 11

Adobe adding security, privacy goodies to Flash Player 11

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011091261
Date: 2011-09-26

According to "zdnet", Adobe plans to add new security and privacy features to the next iteration of its ubiquitous Flash Player, including support for SSL socket connections and the introduction of 64-bit ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization).
Adobe said the new Flash Player 11, expected in early October, will include the SSL socket connection support to make it easier for developers to protect the data they stream over the Flash Player raw socket connections. Flash Player 11 will also include a secure random number generator.
The company is also adding 64-bit support in Flash Player 11, a move that will bring some security side-benefits.
On the privacy side, Adobe is adding a private browsing mode to allow users to stay incognito while viewing Flash files. A mobile control panel is also being added to Android devices to easier for users to manage their Flash Player privacy settings on their Android devices.
