Adobe Updates Flash for Zero Day Flaw

Adobe Updates Flash for Zero Day Flaw

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011091259
Date: 2011-09-26

According to "zdnet", Adobe issued a critical Flash Player patch last Wednesday to fix security holes that are being used in zero-day attacks.
The company is expected to fix at least 16 documented vulnerabilities, some critical enough to expose Windows and Mac users to code execution attacks via Flash files hosted on Web pages.
The Adobe patch comes a day after Google shipped a Chrome update that “includes an update to Flash Player that addresses a zero-day vulnerability.”
Details on the zero-day attacks are not yet available but it’s clear these types of attacks are happening at a very high level.
In addition to Flash Player, Adobe’s PDF Reader and Acrobat software products are among the main targets for sophisticated attacks.
