Mobile devices a growing target for criminals

Mobile devices a growing target for criminals

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011091249
Date: 2011-09-13

According to "computerworld", The best way to protect business information on smartphones from cybercriminals is to leave that information off smartphones, a mobile security expert said last month.
Mobile security is still evolving, and smartphones are vulnerable to hackers and to social engineering schemes, said Andrew Hoog, chief investigative officer at viaForensics, a security vendor.
ViaForensics recently reviewed 100 popular mobile applications and found that 83% of those apps either warranted a security warning from the company or failed the company's basic security tests because they stored sensitive data insecurely, he said. The security failures included storing data and passwords in unencrypted form.
Part of the problem is that employees are bringing in a wide variety of mobile devices to use in business settings and IT departments no longer have control over the technology, added Brian Contos, director of global security at McAfee.
In addition, mobile app and OS developers want to make their products extremely easy to use, said Allan Friedman, research director at the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institution.
