GlobalSign hopes to reopen tomorrow despite web server hack

GlobalSign hopes to reopen tomorrow despite web server hack

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011091248
Date: 2011-09-13

According to "computerworld", GlobalSign expects to bring its certificate-issuing systems back on sunday. The US certificate authority (CA) stopped issuing new SSL certificates last Tuesday in order to audit its security, after being named as a target by the hacker who claimed to have attacked Dutch CA DigiNotar.
The server hosting GlobalSign's website was breached, the company said Friday. The server was isolated from other infrastructure related to certificates, the company said.
On Sunday the company confirmed its earlier plan to bring system components back in a sequenced startup, but said customers were unlikely to be able to process orders until Tuesday morning.
It said that there was no further evidence of breach other than the isolated web server, but that it would be continuing to monitor all activity to all services closely as an additional precaution.
The company has employed security firm Fox-IT to investigate. Fox-IT already has experience of this kind of investigation: It was hired by DigiNotar to discover how its servers were hacked.

Related Links:
Hackers acquired Google digital certificate
Hackers may have stolen over 200 SSL certificates
