Patch Tuesday heads-up: Microsoft readies 5 'important' security updates

Patch Tuesday heads-up: Microsoft readies 5 'important' security updates

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011091243
Date: 2011-09-10

According to "zdnet", Microsoft plans to ship five security bulletins next Tuesday with fixes for serious security vulnerabilities that could lead to remote code execution attacks.
The updates, all rated “important,” will provide fixes for security holes in the Microsoft Windows operating system, the Microsoft Office productivity suite and the Microsoft Server Software.
According to an advance notice issued by Redmond, the flaws could cause code execution of elevation of privilege attacks. At least one of the bulletins will require a restart after installation.
The Windows OS updates will apply to all versions of the operating system, including the newest Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
While “important” vulnerabilities may not give attackers the full root privileges generally associated with “critical” vulnerabilities, Carey warns that an attacker can use an “important”-rated vulnerability to achieve an initial compromise and then escalate privileges by other means.
