Cisco CDs send users to malicious site

Cisco CDs send users to malicious site

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011081210
Date: 2011-08-09

According to “ZDNET”, Cisco has shipped warranty CDs with links to a third-party website known to be a malware repository.
In an advisory, the switching and routing company said the infected CD-ROMs were shipped between the period of December 2010 until August 2011.
“When the CD is opened with a web browser, it automatically and without warning accesses this third-party website. Additionally, on computers where the operating system is configured to automatically open inserted media, the computer’s default web browser will access the third-party site when the CD is inserted, without requiring any further action by the user,” Cisco warned.
Cisco downplayed the direct risk to end users:
“The third-party site is currently inactive as a malware repository, so customers are not in immediate danger of having their computers compromised.”
The advisory contains a list of CDs affected by this incident.
