Internet Explorer 9 outperforms competing browsers in malware blocking examine

Internet Explorer 9 outperforms competing browsers in malware blocking examine

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071195
Date: 2011-07-25

According to "zdnet", According to a newly released research by NSS Labs, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9 greatly outperforms competing browsers in an examine against socially-engineered malware. Based on an active testing against 615 malicious URLs for 19 days, both Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 8 topped the comparative chart.
Here are the findings:

  • Windows Internet Explorer 9 - IE9 caught an exceptional 92% of the live threats
  • Windows Internet Explorer 8 - caught 90% of the live threats
  • Apple Safari 5 - caught 13% of the live threats
  • Google Chrome 10 - caught 13% of the live threats
  • Mozilla Firefox 4 - caught 13% of the live threats
  • Opera 11 - caught 5% of the live threats.

Byexcluding client-side vulnerabilities, the study isn’t assessing IE8’s DEP/NX memory protection, as well as omitting ClickJacking defenses and IE8’s XSS filter. Socially engineered malware is not the benchmark for a comprehensive assessment of a browser’s malware block rate.
