Apple patches 58 Safari bugs

Apple patches 58 Safari bugs

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071192
Date: 2011-07-24

According to "computerworld", Apple today updated Safari to version 5.1, patching 58 security vulnerabilities and adding several new features, including sandboxing on Mac OS X 10.7.
Safari 5.1 is the browser bundled with Lion, the operating system Apple released earlier today, but it will also run on Mac OS X 10.6, aka Snow Leopard. A separate Safari update to version 5.0.6 was also issued today for users running Mac OS X 10.5, or Leopard.
The update patched a total of 58 flaws in Safari, 14 of them specific to the Windows edition, one that affected only the Mac version, and 44 that impact both platforms. Forty-seven of the 58 were accompanied by Apple's "arbitrary code execution" phrasing, indicating that the company considered them critical.
Safari was last patched in April when Apple fixed two flaws.
Safari 5.1 insulates the operating system and other applications from any code executed in the browser, including attack code.
"If a website contains malicious code intended to capture personal data or take control of your computer, sandboxing automatically blocks it to keep your computer and your information safe," Apple claimed on its Safari 5.1 website today.
