Oracle to issue 78 bug fixes on Tuesday

Oracle to issue 78 bug fixes on Tuesday

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071184
Date: 2011-07-16

According to "computerworld", Oracle is planning to issue 78 patches covering a number of its software products on Tuesday, including 13 fixes for its flagship database, according to a statement posted to its website on Thursday.
The database patches cover a number of database editions, including 11g R1 and R2, as well as 10G R1 and R2. Two of the vulnerabilities can be exploited over a network without login credentials.
Another three patches cover Oracle's Secure Backup product, all of which can be exploited remotely without authentication.
Oracle plans to issue seven patches for various modules in its Fusion Middleware line.
E-Business Suite and Oracle's supply chain products will get one patch each, while a dozen are scheduled to be released for PeopleSoft.
The patch batch scheduled for Tuesday is roughly the same size as the previous update in April, which included 73 fixes. Oracle has been issuing patches for Java SE on separate dates.
