Apple releases iOS updates to fix PDF vulnerabilities

Apple releases iOS updates to fix PDF vulnerabilities

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071183
Date: 2011-07-16

According to "computerworld", After last week's report from the German government regarding PDF-related security vulnerabilities in MobileSafari, Apple has stepped up: The company on Friday released updates for all iOS devices that fix the problem. The updates are recommended for all users of Apple's mobile devices.
The issues addressed in the updates include the aforementioned PDF problem within Apple's CoreGraphics framework, which exploits FreeType's TrueType and Type 1 fonts to execute malicious code, and a conversion problem within the IOMobileFrameBuffer framework, which could allow code to inadvertently gain system privileges by posing as the user. The PDF-related exploits were also being used in the latest jailbreak method for iOS devices, a process that could be accomplished via the website; Apple's patch reportedly now disables that method.
You can download these updates by plugging in your respective iOS device and checking for updates in iTunes.

Apple readying fix for iOS flaw used to jailbreak devices
