Panda offers Panda Anti-virus Pro 2012 free for three months

Panda offers Panda Anti-virus Pro 2012 free for three months

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071179
Date: 2011-07-12

According to " infosecurity-magazine", Panda Security is offering a free edition of its flagship IT security software with a three month licence.
The promotion involves users playing a simple online game called `Malware Invasion' after which internet users can obtain a free copy of the software, plus a three month licence.
The game forms part of a new campaign entitled `Protect your family' that Panda is launching this summer, which seeks to raise the awareness of IT security in several markets.
According to Lucian Constantin of Softpedia, the gameplay is pretty simple and only requires mouse clicks. The goal, he notes, is to catch infected files before they reach a virtual hard disk.
"Players can choose to battle with several types of threats including viruses, worms, trojans, phishing and spam.
Interestingly, the version of the software that Panda is offering is an extended trial edition that requires no registration or licence key information.
Softpedia notes that users do not even need to provide an email address to register the product.
