Chrome update solves seven security vulnerabilities

Chrome update solves seven security vulnerabilities

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071162
Date: 2011-07-02

According to "thetechherald", Google Inc. has this week released a platform update that addresses no less than seven possible vulnerabilities. Arriving as the second security patch Google has released for its web browser in June, the 12.0.742.112 update delivers solutions for six flaws rated as ‘high’ where associated risk factor is concerned.
Of the more severe issues dealt with, one involves the V8 JavaScript engine, while two others cover memory corruption problems with CSS and re-entrancy faults with HTML parsers. The remaining three address “use-after-free” SVG font handling exploits that could enable attackers to inject malicious code.
Interestingly, five of the flaws fixed by 12.0.742.112 were uncovered and reported to Google by security researcher ‘miaubiz’.
Not just consisting of solutions to internal problems, Google’s latest security offering also comes with an updated version of Adobe’s Flash player.
On June 8 of this month, Google released a Chrome patch that stamped out no less than 15 vulnerabilities and added a selection of new features.
