PlayBook OS update due to Adobe Flash vulnerability

PlayBook OS update due to Adobe Flash vulnerability

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011061139
Date: 2011-06-14

According to “ComputerWorld”, a new version of the BlackBerry Tablet OS will soon be available to all BlackBerry PlayBook tablet users, to address a security issue raised by Adobe about its Flash Player, Research In Motion said Sunday. The new version of the operating system, version, will contain an updated version of the Flash Player, RIM said in a blog post.
Adobe issued an update last week for its Flash Player to deal with a cross-site scripting vulnerability. The problem could be exploited to perform actions on behalf of a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet user on any website or web mail provider if the user visits a malicious website that loads Adobe Flash content, RIM said on a support page.
Users who purchase and activate a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet on or after June 12 will automatically be updated to the latest version as part of the BlackBerry PlayBook setup process. Existing users will automatically receive a software update notification on their device, or they can manually check for the software update, RIM said.
The company said that there are no known reports of PlayBook users being affected by the Adobe Flash issue, but advised all users to update the operating system.

Related Links:
Flash Player serious update
