fake bin Laden video is a virus

fake bin Laden video is a virus

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011051099
4 May 2011

IDG News Service - The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation warned computer users Tuesday ‎that messages claiming to include photos and videos of Osama bin Laden's death actually contain ‎a virus that could steal personal information.‎
The warning comes as security companies said that they've spotted the first samples of malicious ‎software disguised as photos of the dead Al Qaeda leader. ‎
Security vendor F-Secure said Tuesday that criminals are e-mailing a password-stealing Trojan ‎horse program called Banload to victims, and Symantec said it's seen criminals spamming victims ‎with links to fake "Osama dead" news articles that launch Web-based attacks on visitors.‎
Scammers have also used a technique called search engine poisoning to try to trick search engines ‎into listing hacked Web pages that are loaded with malware in their search results. "It's unlikely ‎you'll find pictures or videos of Bin Laden's death online -- but searching for one will certainly ‎take you to sites with malware," wrote F-Secure chief research officer Mikko Hyponnen in a blog ‎post. ‎

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