Google squashes 10 Chrome bugs

Google squashes 10 Chrome bugs

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013031776
Date: 2013-03-06

According to “ComputerWorld”, Google on Monday patched 10 vulnerabilities in Chrome, just two days before the start of Pwn2Own, a hacking contest that has $100,000 in prize money waiting for the first researcher to crack the browser.
In an update Monday for the Windows and Linux versions -- Google patched the OS X edition on Friday -- the company fixed 10 flaws, six of them marked as "high," the second-most-serious threat ranking. Of the remaining bugs, three were pegged as "medium" and one as "low."
Today's patches follow a larger batch issued Feb. 21, and further harden Chrome as it faces Pwn2Own, the hacking challenge that kicks off March 6 at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Google has contributed money to Pwn2Own's prize pool, which includes a $100,000 award to the first researcher who hacks the current version of Chrome on Windows 7.
Of the 10 vulnerabilities patched today, four were reported by three independent researchers.
Other browser makers have also recently patched their software, perhaps with an eye on Pwn2Own.
