iOS 6.1 hack lets users see your phone app, place calls

iOS 6.1 hack lets users see your phone app, place calls

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013021761
Date: 2013-02-18

According to "cnet", some sleight of hand will allow iOS 6.1 hackers to access your phone application, listen to your voice mails, and place calls.
A YouTube video showing users how to "bypass iPhone 5 passcode" on Apple's latest iOS releases, including iOS 6.1, has been published.
In order to achieve the hack, users must come close to turning off the iPhone, place an emergency call, and keep their finger on the power button.
Apple said it is at work on a fix to the issue, but that it will require a software update.
"Apple takes user security very seriously," the company told CNET today. "We are aware of this issue, and will deliver a fix in a future software update."
