Oracle combines two tools in new database security package

Oracle combines two tools in new database security package

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012121702
Date: 2012-12-15

According to "techworld", Oracle is simplifying its security offerings by combining a pair of existing tools into a single package.
The offering, Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall, provides both network traffic sniffing for security threats and audit data analysis. It also adds the ability to audit OSes, directories and other sources, beyond Oracle's database and third-party database systems, according to the company.
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall is delivered as a software appliance for easier deployment, said Vipin Samar, vice president of database security product development. Previously, customers had to purchase the products separately.
The product can monitor SQL traffic on Oracle's database as well as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and IBM's DB2.
It also provides a central repository for audit and event logs, from which users can run dozens of prebuilt custom reports. The reports can also be tweaked to the needs of each customer, according to Samar.
Database Firewall is derived from Oracle's acquisition of Secerno in 2010, said Alex Gorbachev, CTO of the remote database administration provider Pythian Group.
It can be an active firewall, blocking attacks, "or it can be in auditing mode, just listening and reporting," Gorbachev said.
