80% of malware attacks in 2012 were redirects from legitimate sites

80% of malware attacks in 2012 were redirects from legitimate sites

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012121694
Date: 2012-12-07

According to "techworld", a recent Sophos threat report, Security Threat Report 2013, has found that 80 percent of malware attacks in 2012 were redirects from legitimate sites.
The security vendor highlighted some key observations for 2012 and what is expected for 2013.
It said that 2012 was a year of new platforms and modern malware. According to Sophos, modern malware is taking advantage of these trends, creating new challenges for IT security professionals.
The study also ranked the riskiest and safest countries for experiencing a malware attack.
Hong Kong topped the list as the most risky country, with a 23.5 percent threat exposure rate.
Taiwan, UAE, Mexico and India followed respectively with 21.3 percent, 20.8 percent, 19.8 percent and 17.4 percent threat exposure rate.
Norway was named the safest country with a 1.81 percent threat exposure rate. Sweden followed with 2.59 percent; Japan with 2.63 percent; UK with 3.51 percent; and Switzerland with 3.81 percent. Australia made it into the top 20 safest countries, ranking at 15.
Sophos predicts that in 2013, increased availability of malware testing platforms will make it more likely for malware to slip through traditional business security systems.
However it also predicted that the market will see a decrease in vulnerability exploits offset by a sharp rise in social engineering attacks across a wide array of platforms.
