Opera patches six security vulnerabilities

Opera patches six security vulnerabilities

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012111670
Date: 2012-11-10

According to “ZDNet”, the latest version of the Opera browser for Max OS X, patches six security vulnerabilities, some of which could allow execution of arbitrary code on the affected machines.
More details on the vulnerabilities:

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Opera not to correctly check for certificate revocation
  • Fixed an issue where CORS requests could incorrectly retrieve contents of cross origin pages
  • Fixed an issue where data URIs could be used to facilitate Cross-Site Scripting
  • Fixed a high severity issue, as reported by Gareth Heyes
  • Fixed an issue where specially crafted SVG images could allow execution of arbitrary code, as reported by Attila Suszter
  • Fixed an issue where specially crafted WebP images could be used to disclose random chunks of memory, as reported by the Google Security Group

Users are advised to upgrade to the latest version immediatelly.
