Localized Dorkbot malware variant spreading across Skype

Localized Dorkbot malware variant spreading across Skype

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012101649
Date: 2012-10-20

According to "zdnet", security researchers from Avast have intercepted a currently spreading Darkbot malware campaign, that's affecting millions of Skype users.
The malware spreads by messaging all of your contacts with a bogus "new profile picture message". It targets all the major Web browsers, and is also capable of distributing related malware such as Ransomware/LockScreen, as well as steal accounting data for major social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, as well as related services such as GoDaddy, PayPal and Netflix.
Users are advised to ensure that they're running the latest version of their third-party software, browser plugins, ensure that the URL they're about to click on hasn't already been flagged as malicious, and take advantage of application sandboxing techniques to avoid direct exploitation of their host.
