Kaspersky builds its own antimalware OS

Kaspersky builds its own antimalware OS

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012101644
Date: 2012-10-17

According to "cnet", the folks at Kaspersky Lab are aiming to create their own secure operating system, but this one would run on industrial systems rather than your average home PC.
In blog posted today, company CEO Eugene Kaspersky confirmed the rumors of a new OS, describing the background behind the effort and hinting at the development process.
Cyberattacks present a growing and challenging problem for industries maintaining systems that must be powered on all the time. If a virus affects a computer at most companies, that computer can be unplugged from the network so as not to infect other devices, Kaspersky said. But industrial control systems (ICS) hit by malware can't be brought down since they're usually managing critical operations or infrastructure that can't be taken offline.
Kaspersky suggests that the solution lies in a secure operating system, one in which ICS can be installed. Such an OS could help ensure that industrial systems stay healthy and that the data generated is reliable.
But how would such an OS provide the necessary security if Microsoft, Apple, and others can't secure their own operating systems, asks Kaspersky.
That type of security is possible specifically because the OS would be geared toward industrial systems and not traditional PCs.
"First, our system is highly tailored, developed for solving a specific narrow task, and not intended for playing Half-Life on, editing your vacation videos, or blathering on social media," Kaspersky explained.
Next, the operating system would stop any unauthorized code or applications from the get-go.
Though Kaspersky feels the OS is doable, he did refer to its development as a "sophisticated project" since it requires working with industrial companies. And since the project is just getting off the ground, he declined to reveal any specific information at this point. But certain details about the secure OS are described in a document about its development.
With cyberattacks on the rise and industrial systems increasingly vulnerable, Kaspersky's approach seems like a viable solution. We'll just have to see if the company can pull it off.
