Microsoft October Patch is coming

Microsoft October Patch is coming

تاریخ ایجاد

ID :IRCNE2012101635
Date: 2012-10-06

Computerworld - Microsoft today announced it will deliver seven security updates, one critical, to patch 20 vulnerabilities in Office, SharePoint Server, SQL Server, Windows and other parts of its product lineup.
"It looks like an Office month," said Andrew Storms, director of security operations at nCircle Security. "Look at the 'Affected Software' column on the advance notification. Office, Office, Office."
The one update pegged critical, Microsoft's highest threat ranking, will tackle bugs in all supported versions of Office on Windows. The remaining six updates were labeled "important," the next-most-serious rating in the company's four-step scoring system.
There was no update scheduled for Internet Explorer (IE), as Microsoft took care of that last month when it rushed out an emergency patch to stymie active attacks exploiting a bug in the browser. The Sept. 21 "out-of-band" update also included patches for several additional vulnerabilities, which were originally slated to ship next week.

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