Microsoft promises fix for IE security flaw in next few days

Microsoft promises fix for IE security flaw in next few days

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012091620
Date: 2012-09-19

According to "cnet", Microsoft said yesterday it will issue a fix soon for a security flaw that affects users of Internet Explorer versions 6 through 9.
Uncovered this past weekend, the security hole could compromise the PCs of IE users who surf to a malicious Web site. The flaw is being actively exploited to deliver a back-door trojan known as "Poison Ivy."
The software giant said in a security advisory this afternoon that a solution to the flaw would be released in the next few days.
Microsoft said the fix would be an "easy-to-use, one-click, full-strength solution" that any IE user could install, promising "it will provide full protection against this issue until an update is available."
While it works on a fix for the flaw, Microsoft issued a security advisory offering several recommendations to help IE users avoid being victims of the zero-day exploit. In addition to running updated antivirus and antispyware software and using a firewall, Microsoft suggests installing its Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, which tries to ward off attacks on software holes by putting up a wall of security obstacles that the malware writers must circumvent.
