Browser plug-in and website warn about Facebook apps

Browser plug-in and website warn about Facebook apps

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012091605
Date: 2012-09-04

According to “ComputerWorld”, has developed a website and a browser plug-in designed to make Facebook users aware of the personal information that gets harvested by third-party applications.
The App Advisor Security Network website has profiles on more than 500,000 third-party Facebook applications that describe the user data they collect, what actions they can take and whether they are considered unsafe. The application profiles also display user ratings.
Meanwhile, the App Advisor browser extension, which works with Safari, Firefox and Chrome, gets activated when users visit either application sites or call up an application's page in the Facebook App Center.
In those instances, the browser extension displays a pop-up alert that informs users of the reputation level of the application and gives them the option to call up more detailed information.
The goal is to inform users about potential privacy risks associated with linking third-party applications with their Facebook profiles.
