LibreOffice to tackle critical bugs with HardHacks program

LibreOffice to tackle critical bugs with HardHacks program

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012081593
Date: 2012-08-21

According to "techworld", LibreOffice plans to more swiftly quash its toughest software bugs through a new program that aims to improve cooperation between its quality assurance team and developers.
On Monday it announced the HardHacks program, in which the QA team will identify the five most critical and annoying bugs, said Björn Michaelsen, a member of the Engineering Steering Committee and board of The Document Foundation, the company behind LibreOffice, in a blog post detailing the plans. These bugs will be handed over to a team of the most experienced core LibreOffice developers.
All HardHack bugs that are selected by the QA team should be in one of LibreOffice's Most Annoying Bug (MAB) lists, Michaelsen said. In general, MABs are problems that impact a large number of users, or make the use of LibreOffice more difficult because they require a work-around that is not easily accessible to all users, said Italo Vignoli, director at The Document Foundation.
LibreOffice has always focused on hard bugs, according to Vignoli. "But now that we have a larger development community it is quite logical that core developers ... can spend some more time on these tasks," he said. Core developers in the past have spent a lot of time helping new developers get up to speed, he said.
Changing the way critical bugs are dealt with is a process of a growing and developing community, said Vignoli. LibreOffice is also going to focus on other areas such as certification, marketing and the development of local communities in the near future.
