Google Chrome 21 is out

Google Chrome 21 is out

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012081569
Date: 2012-08-02

According to "zdnet", Google today released Chrome 21. On the security side, the new version fixes 15 vulnerabilities: one critical flaw, six high-severity flaws, five medium-severity flaws, and three low-severity flaws. You can update to the latest version using the software's built-in silent updater, or you can download the latest version of Chrome directly from
For full details of everything that has been changed, check out the SVN log. For the record, Google Chrome 20 was released just five weeks ago (and then updated again three weeks ago).

Related Links:
Google fixes three flaws in Chrome 20
Chrome 20 fixes 20 security vulnerabilities
