Google fixes three flaws in Chrome 20

Google fixes three flaws in Chrome 20

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012071550
Date: 2012-07-12

According to "zdnet", Google has released a new version of Chrome 20 that fixes three high-severity flaws. You can update to the latest version using the software's built-in silent updater, or you can download the latest version of Chrome directly from
Here are the three security vulnerabilities fixed in Google Chrome 20.0.1132.57:

  • 129898] High CVE-2012-2842: Use-after-free in counter handling.
  • 130595] High CVE-2012-2843: Use-after-free in layout height tracking.
  • [133450] High CVE-2012-2844: Bad object access with JavaScript in PDF.

For the record, Google Chrome 20 was released just two weeks ago. In the meantime, Mountain View also released a beta of Google Chrome 21.

Related Links:
Chrome 20 fixes 20 security vulnerabilities
