Flame can use as a weapon to attack nations' critical infrastructures

Flame can use as a weapon to attack nations' critical infrastructures

تاریخ ایجاد

ID :IRCNE2012061535
Date: 2012-06-25

According to CNET, the infamous Flame virus can delete files from a computer according to new findings.
Flame was originally identified for its ability to steal data and capture information from keystrokes, PC displays, and audio conversations.
But a new component of Flame uncovered by security firm Symantec gives its operators the power to delete important files from compromised computer systems, Symantec researcher Vikram Thakur revealed yesterday.
Such power means that the virus can disrupt critical software and "completely disable operating systems," Reuters reported based on Thakur's findings.
"These guys have the capability to delete everything on the computer," Thakur said, according to Reuters. "This is not something that is theoretical. It is absolutely there."
If true, Flame can be used as a weapon against nations to attack vital infrastructure systems, such as dams, chemical plants, and manufacturing facilities, Reuters added.

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