25 most-used passwords revealed

25 most-used passwords revealed

تاریخ ایجاد

ID :IRCNE2012061522
Date: 2012-06-13

After it was discovered that more than six million LinkedIn passwords had been leaked as well as many at Last.fm and eHarmony, no one has stopped talking about password and passcode security.
That’s actually a good thing because it’s an incredibly important topic that many Internet users don’t take seriously.
Here are the top 25, as extracted by antivirus solution provider ESET. Is yours one of them? If so, it’s safe to say you should consider changing it to something stronger immediately.

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. 12345678
  4. 1234
  5. qwerty
  6. 12345
  7. dragon
  8. pussy
  9. baseball
  10. football
  11. letmein
  12. monkey
  13. 696969
  14. abc123
  15. mustang
  16. michael
  17. shadow
  18. master
  19. jennifer
  20. 111111
  21. 2000
  22. jordan
  23. superman
  24. harley
  25. 1234567

Related Topics:
LinkedIn leakage
