Facebook joins Google, ISPs in notifying DNSChanger victims

Facebook joins Google, ISPs in notifying DNSChanger victims

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012061513
Date: 2012-01-06

According to "computerworld", facebook has started notifying victims of the DNSChanger malware who visit the social networking site that their computers will be cut off from the Internet on July 9.
Facebook's DNSChanger alerts will include a link the DNSChanger Working Group's website, which contains more information about the malware and instructions on how to remove it.
"Earlier this year, Facebook joined the cleanup effort by participating in [http://www.dcwg.org DNSChanger Working Group], which is comprised of computer security experts from the public, private, and academic sectors," the Facebook security team said in a blog post on Monday. "As a result of our work with the group, Facebook is now able to notify users likely infected with DNSChanger malware and direct them to instructions on how to clean their computer or networks."
The DNSChanger Working Group estimates that there are over 350,000 devices still infected with DNSChanger, out of the 4 million that were originally affected by the malware.
Facebook's decision to notify the owners of the remaining infected computers follows a similar decision by Google, which started alerting DNSChanger victims through its search pages on May 22.

Related Link:
Google alerts users to DNSChanger malware infection
