Microsoft Emergency Update

Microsoft Emergency Update

تاریخ ایجاد

ID :IRCNE2012061509
Date: 2012-06-05

According to Computerworld, Microsoft on Sunday revoked several of its own digital certificates after discovering that the makers of the Flame super-cyber spy kit figured out a way to sign their malware with the company's digital "signature."
The weekend emergency update for all versions of Windows -- including the just-shipped Windows 8 Release Preview -- was unusual, perhaps hinting at the seriousness of the flaw.
At least one security expert saw it that way. "This is a big deal," said Andrew Storms, director of security operations at nCircle Security, in an interview Sunday conducted via instant messaging.
Big because a flaw in Microsoft's Terminal Services licensing certificate authority (CA), which is normally used by enterprises to authorize remote desktop services and sessions, allowed attackers to generate digital certificates that could be used to "sign," or validate, code in Flame.
"Flame is using valid but fake Microsoft certificates to sign the code through a bug in their CA system via Terminal Services," Storms summarized. "So when the code was checked for validity, it properly linked back to the root and was accepted as okay."
Microsoft addressed the flaw by revoking three certificates, and issuing an update to all versions of Windows that added those certificates to the revocation list.
Even Windows 8 -- both the Consumer Preview and last week's Release Preview -- was affected, and will receive the certificate revocation update, Microsoft said in a security advisory released Sunday.
To prevent other attackers from doing the same -- and spoofing certificates on unpatched PCs -- Microsoft also modified the Terminal Server licensing service so it can no longer issue code-signing certificates.

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