Flash Player sandbox available for Firefox

Flash Player sandbox available for Firefox

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012051491
Date: 2012-05-08

According to "zdnet", Adobe is putting its Flash Player in a sandbox to keep malicious hackers at bay.
The ubiquitous Flash Player software, which is a big target for mass malware and targeted attacks, is being fitted with a Protected Mode component to limite the damage from attacks launched from rigged SWF files.
Threatpost reports that the current Flash Player 11.3 beta already contains Protected Mode for Firefox 4.0+ running on Windows Vista and higher.
Adobe says the feature is comparable to the Flash Player Protected Mode in Google Chrome browser, Protected Mode in Adobe Reader, and Office 2010 Protected View.
The sandboxed process is restricted with the same job limits and privilege restrictions as the Adobe Reader Protected Mode implementation.
