Oracle to ship 40 security fixes for Java SE

Oracle to ship 40 security fixes for Java SE

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013061874
Date: 2013-06-18

According to "computerworld", Oracle is set to release a patch set for Java SE that targets 40 security vulnerabilities.
Thirty-seven of the weaknesses can be exploited over a network without requiring an attacker to have a username or password, Oracle said.
Affected products covered in the patch batch, which is set for release Tuesday, include Java SE as well as a number of versions of JDK (Java Development Kit), JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and the JavaFX rich-client development platform, according to Oracle's announcement.
Oracle is recommending that customers apply the patches as soon as possible "due to the threat posed by a successful attack."
The Java SE patch set comes after Oracle released some 128 fixes for its database, middleware and applications in April.
