Most firms do not protect sensitive data in databases, survey finds

Most firms do not protect sensitive data in databases, survey finds

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012081587
Date: 2012-08-20

According to "infosecurity-magazine", a full 65% of businesses do not protect the sensitive data in their databases from unauthorized employees and consultants, according to a survey conducted by GreenSQL.
“Most organizations do not control which information is exposed to DBAs [database administrators]. As a database administrator, they must have full control of the database in order to maintain it, but if the DBA’s computer is exposed, it can view any information in the database”, said David Maman, co-founder and chief technology officer at GreenSQL
Only 12% deploy dynamic data masking solutions in their production environments, according to the survey.
Maman explained GreenSQL's dynamic data masking solution applies rules to enforce access, making sure those who need to access certain parts of the sensitive data have it while those who should not see anything will not be able to. It ensures that the data never leaves the database in its original form, preventing information theft.
