Java second update

Java second update

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012041459
Date: 2012-04-07

According to “CNet”, Apple still appears to be fighting the Flashback malware that was recently found to have infected more than a half-million Mac computers.
A second Java update has been released for Mac users, according to Mac security blog Intego.
No details are available as to why this latest update was released. Intego speculates that perhaps there was a small glitch in the first update. This latest update also seems geared just for the Lion version of Mac OS X, while the initial patch was designed for both Snow Leopard and Lion.
Some confusion also exists over the name, Intego noted. The support document for the new update lists the name as Java for OS X Lion 2012-001, but the Software Update on the Mac labels it Java for OS X 2012-002.
Either way, Mac OS X users are urged to apply this update as soon as possible by launching Software Update on their computers and installing Java for OS X 2012-002.
"The Flashback malware has been very active in the wild, and can install with no user interaction, if Java is not patched," Intego said.

Related Links:
Java update for OS X
New malware exploiting unpatched Java vulnerability in Macs

