Google patches Chrome for second time in eight days

Google patches Chrome for second time in eight days

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012041460
Date: 2012-04-07

According to "computerworld", Google on Thursday patched 12 Chrome vulnerabilities, the second time in eight days that the search company has updated its browser.
Most of the vulnerabilities -- eight of the dozen -- were identified as "use-after-free" bugs, a common type of memory vulnerability that researchers have found in large numbers within Chrome using Google's own AddressSanitizer detection tool.
Seven of the 12 bugs were rated "high," the second-most-serious ranking in Google's scoring system. Four were marked "medium" and one was labeled "low."
Thursday's update to Chrome 18 also included a new version of Adobe Flash Player that patched two critical memory corruption vulnerabilities in the Chrome interface.
According to the advisory that accompanied Thursday's update, Google also fixed several non-security issues, including some related to hardware acceleration, a feature the company switched on in Chrome when version 18 debuted March 28.
The patched version of Chrome 18 can be downloaded for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux from Google's website. Already installed copies of the browser will be updated automatically by Chrome's silent service.
