Hackers can steal credit card data from used Xbox 360s

Hackers can steal credit card data from used Xbox 360s

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012041455
Date: 2012-04-04

According to "zdnet", security researchers from two universities say they found how hackers can retrieve credit card data and other personal information from used Microsoft Xbox 360s, even if the console is restored back to factory settings and its hard drive is wiped. Microsoft is now looking into their story of buying a refurbished Xbox 360 from a Microsoft-authorized retailer, downloading a basic modding tool, gaining access to the console’s files and folders, and eventually extracting the original owner’s credit card information.
“We are conducting a thorough investigation into the researchers’ claims,” Jim Alkove, General Manager of Security in the Interactive Entertainment Business division at Microsoft, said in a statement.
Xbox is not designed to store credit card data locally on the console, and as such seems unlikely credit card data was recovered by the method described. Additionally, when Microsoft refurbishes used consoles we have processes in place to wipe the local hard drives of any other user data. We can assure Xbox owners we take the privacy and security of their personal data very seriously.”
