Apple, CBS, Fox, Sony, Warner Bros. and 15 others hacked?

Apple, CBS, Fox, Sony, Warner Bros. and 15 others hacked?

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012031442
Date: 2012-03-27

According to "zdnet", Hacker UR0B0R0X claims to have compromised the websites of 20 different companies, including ZDNet’s parent company, CBS. While the identities (first name, last name, and e-mail address) of the employees working for said companies appear to be legitimate, their passwords are hashed, so there’s no way to verify if the logins are indeed legitimate. If they are, it’s possible the hacker stole whatever data the employees in question have access to.
Here are the 20 company websites UR0B0R0X claims to have hacked: Addison Interactive, Artificial Intelligence, Apple, Brandon Yano, Bunim/Murray Productions, CBS, Emixing, Fox, NoodleHaus, Planetary Group, RPM Productions, Scarlet Terrier, Sony, Sony Pictures, Subway, Summit Entertainment, Sycamore Solutions, Union, and Warner Bros., and Vibe Creative.
Right now, the hack looks very questionable. We’ll know soon enough if the hack is legitimate or not.
